Framing fatness as a disease: why this is a problem
May 08, 2023 | Body, General, Self Care, Self-worth
At the beginning of the year, there were a couple of videos going around in some fat liberation spaces about an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes”. In the interview, they discuss fatphobia in the medical system, and how most physicians do not understand what makes larger bodies happen. At the same time, they make causal…
Parts Work Therapy: What does it look like?
July 11, 2022 | General, Therapeutic Process
I have shared before some of the different ways in which I can work with clients to help them reach their goals, such as using the languages of the self, working with the person as a whole, and somatic models. Which method I use depends on what fits best with the client’s worldview and experience….
Sexual Violence Awareness Month: Putting survivors first
May 20, 2022 | General, Social Justice, Trauma
May is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Alberta. It’s also known as Sexual Assault Prevention, Sexual Assault Awareness, and Sexual Violence Prevention Month in other provinces through Canada. No matter the name, the goals are the same: to spread awareness on the hard facts of sexual violence, to prevent sexual violence, and to support survivors….
What are the differences between mental health professionals?
February 21, 2022 | General
When you’re seeking mental health support, it might be confusing to find out that psychologists are not the only mental health professionals available, and that not every mental health professional can do the same as a psychologist. In this post I break down the differences between mental health professionals in Alberta. Some of these might…
How can we manage stress?
February 10, 2022 | General, Self Care
Feeling stress is not a bad thing. Yes, you read that right. You’re probably thinking, “Isn’t it? Aren’t doctors always talking about the dangers of stress?” The stress response is a normal adaptive process that is triggered when we encounter challenges that require extra resources to overcome, and it’s designed to help us survive. The…
Looking back, and looking forward
December 27, 2021 | General, Seaglass News
As we near the end of another year, I wanted to share my 2021 balance. These are some thoughts about my practice as well as some personal experiences from this year, and my hopes for 2022. Looking back on my practice 2021 was another busy year in my practice. I started offering Emotionally Focused Couple…
How well does telepsychology work?
October 27, 2021 | General, Therapeutic Process
In the changing landscape of a pandemic, our work as mental health providers became more essential than ever before. Technology allowed us to continue supporting people through lockdowns and social distancing. And yet, it’s understandable when people are reluctant about it and wonder: how well does telepsychology work? For a lot of people, the use…
Suicide prevention: Three things you need to know
September 09, 2021 | General, Social Justice
September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, with the whole month dedicated to Suicide Prevention Awareness. I want to take the opportunity to talk about this topic, as it’s an important part of mental health, and tell you three things about suicide that you need to know. Statistically speaking, suicide is the 9th leading cause…
Having hope as a rebellion
August 10, 2021 | General, Mind, Social Justice, Society
I was recently chatting with two very good friends about systemic problems that have been bringing us down. We talked about the anguish around the climate emergency and anxiety over the disappearing COVID-19 regulations in our province, among others. In my conversation with them, we found our way to the issue of hope. How do…
Celebrating International Self-Care Day [+ free meditation!]
July 24, 2021 | General, Handouts, Self Care
Today we’re celebrating International Self-Care Day! This date was established in 2011 by the Global Self-Care Federation (GSCF), with the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the month leading up to it as Self-Care Month in 2020. Do you know why they picked July 24th? Because self-care is important 24 hours a day, the 7 days…